Saturday, 3 September 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
New Rap Book

Here at Student of Life, we are proud to announce the birth of our first publication, the exciting new hip hop book written by rap artist BREIS (breeze) called Brilliant Rappers Educate Intelligent Students. What makes this book unique and sets it apart from other poetry books is not only does it feature wonderful witty rap lyrics (for young people aged ten and upwards)but it also has the inspiration behind the lyrics, the writer's favourite lines and little interactive challenges to further engage the reader. It's a cross between JayZ's Decoded and Benjamin Zephaniah's Funky Chickens. It's full of verses that cover a wide range of topics like being human, bus rides, Nigerian culture, relationships, Pirates, riddles, fears and dreams and so much more.
The aim of BREIS' work is to make learning fun, to inspire young minds to think big and get boys reading more. This is why Brilliant Rappers Educate Intelligent Students was written. It will be available to purchase online from June 30. However feel free to send us an email if you wish to pre-order your copy today.
Thursday, 10 February 2011

KARL NOVA in a school in Colchester
I wish I could put into words the feeling I get when I see the creative energy that comes from the young people in our workshops. I sincerely believe creative education is a necessity. The amazing creativity I have seen come forth from young people is inspiring, even THEY are amazed at discovering what they are able to do. I use rap and performance poetry in the sessions I do. My aim is show that it is an art form that has value and also that they can participate in it’s creation and performance. I always seek to engage, educate and inspire. I want them to believe in themselves and develop confidence. For them to know that they have a voice. I have a passion for rap/poetry and I want to pass it on to them because that passion has changed my life for the better.
I know rap music is stereotypically seen in a negative light but there is a flipside to it, at the bottom of it all it's about creativity and telling a story. Through my rap and poetry I try to bring that positive part of the narrative to the young through the workshops. Some of them have never heard rap this positive and exciting and with the way urban music is dominant today, I believe our workshops help bring a balance and put things in context for the young people.
The song below is a song I wrote with the workshops in mind. It was originally called “Letter to a younger me” but when I do it in the workshops (normally without music so that the words can be clearly heard) I introduce the song as “I’m gonna make it”
Letter to a younger me (I'm gonna make it) by NovaLeaks
Thursday, 20 January 2011

"Today is the first day of the rest of my life", that was the brilliant opening line from one of the teachers in Bushmead Primary School, Luton. Under the instructions of BREIS, they were given the task of creating a collective rap verse about New Year resolutions. The most popular one being laying off the biscuits and chocolates. They then went on to express their thoughts on the gloomy Government cut backs.
Plenty of fun was had by all, the session had games, performances, ice breakers, writing exercises and tips. On this day the teachers became students and got a taste of being a child again and having fun whilst learning. Teachers have the hard task of getting through the curriculum whilst making it interesting and engaging. Fun and learning can't always go together but it's beautiful when you can have a sprinkling of fun time during a long day in school. We'd love to have a Student of Life practitioner deliver something fun,creative and enlightening in every school nationwide with teachers and also with students.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Chalkhill Primary School
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Berkhamsted School
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
SOR Studio session #1
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Saturday, 27 March 2010

Reading for me, was a way of keeping my troubled teenage mind sane. A place of solace, release and nurturing of my imagination. I went from Roald Dahl's The magic finger to The Chronicles of Narnia, Dr Who, Redwall, Back to the future, The famished road and many more. The books became my friend, I was so into them. Reading or wanting to read stems from a desire to learn something or acquire something. A desire to suspend reality, to exercise the imagination, to become that which we can't or experience the impossible. Where has that desire gone and can it be found again? The fast life we live in says, why wait when everything is at your fingertips. Why read when you can watch the movie, TV programme or watch it on youtube? We're becoming a more visual society and science has proved that you retain less by reading. Maybe books will evolve to become more visual. But for now, the question remains how do we get young boys to read more? Is it about the parents, about the schools, or the authors. We're really interested in hearing from you. Thanks
Monday, 11 January 2010

His book, Class Dismissed is growing in popularity day by day and is impacting every person that reads it. The award ceremony took place at the Alexandra Palace where the likes of Boris Johnson, Alexandra Burke, JLS, Lemar, Diversity, Natasha Danvers, Michael Caine and many more were all in attendance. It was an amazing night where positive stories, positive people and their contributions were being celebrated and rightly so. The night was put on in conjunction with The Damilola Taylor Trust and the wonderful Richard Taylor was present and was extremely charming.
Michael is presently delivering talks and his workshops in schools across the country. Make sure you get a copy of Class Dismissed.

Student of Life would like to wish Michael continuous success and the best of the best in his future endeavours.
Watch out for future updates on Karl Nova, a London based rapper, singer and poet. His music is best described as inspirational hip hop with a socially conscious message which seeks to uplift and inspire. Musical influences include Lauryn Hill, Nas, Bob Marley, Mos Def and Kirk Franklin to a name a few.
“I perform to communicate a message of love and inspiration. I want people to believe in themselves and in their dreams”

As a Student of Life practitioner, Karl’s literacy workshops in schools are designed to inspire children and young adults to recognize the beauty of poetry and creativity
Saturday, 24 October 2009
STUDENT OF LIFE has been very busy this month. With workshops in London, Oxfordshire, Hertforshire and Luton.
One of my visits this month was to a school in Luton called Lea Manor School. I had the most amazing welcome from the librarian, Rosemarie. She picked me up from the station at 8am, her hospitality was second to none. She had done her homework on me and new all the things I'd been upto over the years, including the first rap competition I won in 1997! I was hugely impressed. As if that wasn't big enough, she had baked me a chocolate cake and made loads of sandwiches. She invited the English dept to come join us at lunchtime, where she served everybody. I then had to do an impromptu performance for all the English teachers present, which was fun. The day went lovely, students had fun and produced some good work, the teachers were amazing and they've invited me back too. As I got dropped off at the station on the way home, Rosemarie gave me a box of ferrerro rocher! She is simply the best, the nicest most special person I've come across in all my years in education. The school is blessed to have her. A few days later she wrote this poem and sent it to me. Hope you enjoy
The man in the photograph
The man in the photograph caught my eye
His smile so wide it could fill the sky
He’s the one, I confidently thought
How to Rap many times had he taught
The email arrived he would be free that day
Arriving early, ‘til 2 he would stay
Sandwiches, quiche, cake and tea
All will be perfect for our guest to be
Arriving at the station early and bright
He’ll arrive soon so just sit there tight
At last I see him walking my way
I know at once this’ll be a fabulous day
His smile said it all, it’ll be as I dreamed
The man in the photograph is who he seemed
Talented, inspiring and totally at ease
The staff and students loved him, thank you Breis!
Friday, 4 September 2009

CLASS DISMISSED by Michael T. Adewale
In this riveting book Class Dismissed, Michael Adewale expounds on the principles which have helped him succeed in life. He uses stories to capture the imagination of the reader and illustrates how to put the principles into action. He speaks about personal issues which he has had to overcome during secondary school, sixth form and university. He also discusses the life of friends he has had during these periods and why some succeeded and others failed.
In a day and age where our young people struggle with low self esteem, anger, rejection and loneliness, this book practically guides the youth of this nation. It is a book which all young people and adults need to have, read and apply in their lives. Personal stories of bullying and robbery are tackled as well as the ways in which forgiveness overcame anger and hate. Learning how to love yourself and how to overcome low self esteem are also tackled. Class Dismissed is an easy read and a book you won’t want to put down. It’s available on
To book Michael for speaking engagements in schools and libraries and for further information, please call us on 07951 239 762
Friday, 10 July 2009
Science of Rap workshops
The Science of Rap is a fun, cross – curricular workshop that encourages young people to take a greater interest in science. Fusing rap with Science, our stimulating and creative workshops cover the core topics in Biology, Physics and Chemistry and are in line with the National Curriculum learning objectives and QCA requirements for key stages 2 and 3. This initiative from Student of Life presents ways of revising Science for the students and acts as the perfect learning support for your class lessons.
"What I enjoyed the most was making up our own lyrics. This allowed us to see our own ability" - student
"This was one of the best things I've seen", said the head at Loxford School of Science and Technology.
"We're looking forward to introducing this into Science week. The children loved it" - Extended Schools Co-ordinator
"I had teachers begging me for extra classes to be fitted in today!" - Librarian

For further information on bringing The Science of Rap Workshops to your school, please call Fiona Solomon on 07951 239 762
Saturday, 21 March 2009

If you're looking for ways to make your Literacy lessons fun and exciting, want to liven up your school assembly/conference, empower teachers, make boys begin reading more or just want your students to be more imaginative in their've come to the right place! Call us on 07951239762 for more information
Student of Life is a creative arts company using Hip Hop culture to engage young people in education. We make learning fun and engaging with Rap and Poetry workshops in Primary and Secondary Schools. SOL was founded by critically acclaimed Hip Hop MC and workshop facilitator, BREIS (breeze).
We currently offer a range of initiatives to key stages 2,3 and 4 (7 - 14 years old). The first are Positive Rap Workshops that show students how to write their own raps and poems with positive themes. Students take part in games and exercises that give writing and performance tips and in the process develop confidence in their own abilities. The second initiative is the Science of Rap which fuses rap with Science in a stimulating and creative way. A project sure to inspire future scientists!
The workshops are run by dynamic rap artists BREIS and Karl Nova (both artists are enhanced CRB checked). Between both artists they have 12 years experience in running Rap workshops and Performance Poetry workshops in over 500 schools around the UK. BREIS has also worked extensively with the British Council on numerous occasions as a trainer and Creative Consultant in South Africa and Washington DC.
-Zehra Jaffer, Assistant Head teacher, Wallington County Grammar School
“The children loved having a rap artist in their midst. BREIS’ performance won the school over immediately with his crowd participation, lyrics and humour. In the workshop BREIS had an easy teaching style and could differentiate between students who were confident and those that weren’t. He was excellent at getting good work out of everyone”
- Karen Arthur, Head of House. Forest Hill School, London
“Student of Life boosted the children’s confidence, raised their self esteem and encouraged team work. It brought fun to learning and the teachers thought it was fab too”
- Sonia Marquis, Yr 5 Teacher. St Paul’s Way Community School
"I just wanted to say a massive thank you with all my heart for the whole experience that you gave us, pure brilliance"
- Henry Worger, pupil (14), Highbury School
For bookings and further information on any of the initiatives, please call 07951 239762 or email