Friday 4 September 2009


CLASS DISMISSED by Michael T. Adewale

In this riveting book Class Dismissed, Michael Adewale expounds on the principles which have helped him succeed in life. He uses stories to capture the imagination of the reader and illustrates how to put the principles into action. He speaks about personal issues which he has had to overcome during secondary school, sixth form and university. He also discusses the life of friends he has had during these periods and why some succeeded and others failed.

In a day and age where our young people struggle with low self esteem, anger, rejection and loneliness, this book practically guides the youth of this nation. It is a book which all young people and adults need to have, read and apply in their lives. Personal stories of bullying and robbery are tackled as well as the ways in which forgiveness overcame anger and hate. Learning how to love yourself and how to overcome low self esteem are also tackled. Class Dismissed is an easy read and a book you won’t want to put down. It’s available on


Michael Adewale is a teacher by profession and has worked in the education system for five years. He is passionate about young people reaching their potential. Having seen several of his friends go to prison for various crimes, Michael is determined to ensure that the youth in this generation don’t make the same mistakes. Having been brought up in a single parent home with four other siblings on a council estate in South London, Michael has exceeded people’s expectations of him. As a public speaker, he brings warmth, charisma, a sense of humour, insights and practical steps to help people navigate through the circumstances they face.

To book Michael for speaking engagements in schools and libraries and for further information, please call us on 07951 239 762